I Survived the ER... Again

Recently, I went on a road trip with my husband to visit his family for Christmas. I really enjoyed the trip and my time with them, but boy do I have a knack for finding a way to go to the hospital. My body loves to throw me for a loop! The day before the big road trip I noticed something was off but didn't think much of it. It felt a little like a yeast infection which I was struggling to fully get rid of. The next day while we were driving, that was when I realized there was something seriously wrong. The pain made it difficult to sleep and walk. I could still walk well enough for no one to notice though. But at this point, I was very swollen down there. The next day while we were staying at a hotel, it was once again a rough night due to the pain. This time it was so swollen that anything that brushed against it was excruciating. I still didn't say anything though because we were travelling and just trying to make it to our destination. We eventually made it to my in-law...