My Antibiotic Story: Living With a Weak Immune System

 As I have mentioned in a previous post, I take biologics which weaken my immune system. I have recently realized just how careful I need to be when dealing with a weak immune system. Recently, I have gotten two infections back-to-back that lasted much longer than it should have. One of which got so bad I had to go an emergency clinic. 

My most recent infection that I got was a urinary tract infection (UTI). This was the one I had to go to the emergency clinic for. When I went to the clinic, they diagnosed me as having a UTI and sent me home with antibiotics. Now, when you have ulcerative colitis, you are supposed to avoid antibiotics if at all possible. I had been dealing with the symptoms of a UTI for about two weeks before this trying to treat it on my own because I knew I would be prescribed antibiotics. When I realized I was not getting any better, I gave in and took the antibiotics. 

Antibiotics can cause UC flares and are usually very hard on your gut. Everything I researched regarding antibiotics and UC said to always avoid this medicine because it can and usually will cause a flare. This made me very anxious and hesitant to start the antibiotic treatment, but I was in a lot of pain and did everything I could without it. So, I have been taking the antibiotics for a little over a week now. And, as of now, the treatment ends tomorrow, and I have felt completely fine. I am just thanking God that He did not allow me to have another flare thus far and used the antibiotics to help instead of hurt me. I feel completely well and healthy now. 

Circling back to living with a weakened immune system: I always do my best to stay very clean and avoid people who are sick if possible. If I catch something and get sick, I am usually sick for longer than an average person. I have had a cold last for weeks and it is not fun. So, if you have a weak immune system, avoid people who are sick with something contagious and keep yourself clean as much as possible! This will help you avoid getting sick or getting infections quite as much.  


  1. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. I have a problem with most antibiotics, so I understand. I'm glad there were no ill effects from the antibiotics. I hope you continue on your journey. Even though I wish that you didn't have to suffer, it's interesting learning about your life and journey with UC.


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