Definitely Not Anxiety

Currently, I am diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis and have known this for about two years coming up on three. However, I have had ongoing health issues since I was about 12 years old.

I remember the day very clearly when I started having some problems physically. I woke up one morning and (I'll just say it, I'll be getting very personal on this blog) my period had started. Uncomfortable as usual. Painful as usual. This time though, I felt sick. So, I laid down on the couch. I felt okay, but then after a bit I started throwing up. Ever since that one day, I started feeling sick and throwing up every morning for months on end. I was homeschooled growing up for the most part, so I didn't need to worry about making it to school on time. It did affect my schooling though. I did have some online classes that I had to miss frequently because of this "morning sickness" that I had every day, but my teachers were understanding. 

I became very underweight. I weighed between 85 and 87 pounds at the age of about 14, if I remember correctly. I ended up going to my primary doctor and they had a couple of theories. I was either anemic or had anxiety issues. They suggested I go to a therapist and prescribed me some anti-depressants. I do tend to get anxious easily, but I didn't think it was near bad enough to have these kinds of physical reactions. The therapist did help my anxiety a little, but the daily nausea persisted. I took half of an anti-depressant pill like the doctor prescribed, and it made me feel absolutely miserable. It was the sickest I had ever felt at the time after I took that medicine. So, I immediately stopped.

I went back to the doctor for a follow up, and they still said it was probably anxiety when I was sure it wasn't. So, for a while, I just quit going to the doctor and the symptoms eventually got a little better on its own. But, it was replaced with different symptoms, cramping in my stomach and diarrhea every morning. I thought... okay, well at least this is better than throwing up every morning. Eventually, when I was about 17 or 18 years old, it got so bad that it essentially got me fired from my babysitting job. I came home sobbing because I was so frustrated with the fact that my health had gotten out of hand enough that it got me fired and I was very upset that I had let someone down that I very much looked up to. 

At that moment, my mom had had enough and took me straight to urgent care. This day is what got me sent to a GI doctor and the real labs and testing took place to really see what was going on. This was not anxiety. I am typically a happy girl. Maybe not outgoing. Maybe a bit shy. But I was not chronically anxious. I knew that much. 

In my next post I will explain the process I went through that, in the end, got me diagnosed with this UC disease and some things I had to change about my diet. If you read this far, thank you for reading!


  1. Thanks for sharing your story. You are shy, but are a sweet, thoughtful and happy girl. I can't wait to hear the rest of your story.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I'm glad you insisted it was not anxiety. I hope you continue to see treatment and more understanding of what is going on with your system.

    1. Thank you! Yes, if I had not insisted, I would be on anti-depressants right now when I didn't need to be.

  3. Most doctors don't know what's wrong with you unless you tell them your symptoms and take an educated guess at what's wrong with you. There are many instances of of miscalculation by doctors. I'm glad you stood your ground and got an answer. Some people never get a correct answer,


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