Knowing Your Limits


Recently, I have discovered the hard truth that I simply don't have the same energy levels as most young adults my age. My limit comes sooner than I'd like, and I get very tired after working for just a short time. I'm much, much better than I used to be but not where I'd like to be. I get discouraged when I've been out for one day and the next day, I just feel exhausted and weak. It makes me worry that I might be lazy or seem lazy to others when I really am trying my best to work as much as I can and do as much as I can.

It's times like that when I need to have grace on myself and remember that I'm not healthy or normal even though I don't feel like I'm dying like when I'm in a flare. I will say that this experience of being diagnosed with UC has brought me closer to God. I need to lean on Him more than I ever have. He has been my comfort through all the difficult times. Praying helps a lot. Praying gives me the strength I need to make it through the day, particularly when I feel very low on energy. 

I am blessed to have a very flexible job and a certification for a job that I can do from home. But a lot of times I still feel that I'm not doing as much as I should be because of my low energy levels. When I do push myself to do more, I usually come crashing down. Which is why I need to remind myself to take breaks and pace myself. I tend to want to work for hours without stopping. But I found that I need to work for just a little bit at a time and have at least one whole day a week to rest and not go anywhere or do any work. 

I'm still learning to accept that I need more rest than a normal young person. But these are my general rules for my well-being and to prevent myself from crashing:

  • Have at least one day a week where you don't go anywhere or do any work.
  • Take breaks every hour (I still have a hard time sticking to that one).
  • Don't rush your mornings if possible. Take it slow.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
I usually start my workday between 10 AM and 11 AM. Sometimes I will schedule posts for the next day if I know I will be busy or am taking a rest day, that way I don't need to stress or work too much. If you have health problems like me that affect your energy levels, you're not alone. Don't be too hard on yourself. I know that's easier said than done, but just remind yourself that you're doing your best and that's all anyone can really ask for. 


  1. I too have to force myself to get up and walk a bit every hour at work. Luckily, I drink a lot of water and unsweet tea so my bladder reminds me.

    1. That's a great idea! I should try that. Drink a lot of water so it forces me to have to get up.

    2. Now that I 'm getting old, I don't have much energy, but I can't even imagine being this way as a young person when in the prime of your life. I hope things improve for you over the course of time.Lean

    3. Lean on God. He does things for His own reasons. I'm praying for you. Love you.


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