How to Stay Positive During a Flare


If you know what it's like to be very sick for a very long time, then you know that it can be pretty depressing. For me, when I have a flare, it takes me about two months or more to really start feeling like myself again. I have definitely gotten depressed or down at those times. But I have found some ways to help stay more positive during those very difficult times.

Cling to God.

If you are not a Christian, I would highly recommend seeking out Jesus. When things were at their worst, God was definitely my primary source of comfort. I knew that He saw what I was going through and would take care of me. When I didn't have the strength to study the Bible I would pray whenever my mind would allow it (there were times I was so out of it mentally from my medications, I couldn't focus enough to pray). This helped me a lot during my flares. 

Think of a place that you feel the most at peace at, and pretend you are there.

This part is why I have the picture that I do above. I have been doing this for quite a while, even before I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. There is a place that I can picture very clearly in my mind that I go to where I feel the most at peace. I would picture this place and imagine I was there anytime I would feel particularly anxious. It's a specific spot at a trail that I have been to many times that is quite a way into the woods/ forest. I imagine that I am sitting on a big rock on that trail or just somewhere near a ledge. I imagine it's an overcast day, with a cool breeze blowing on my face, and I imagine listening to the leaves rustling on the trees. My most peaceful spot, with my favorite weather, and favorite sounds. Your spot may be different from mine. But whatever that "happy place" is for you, imagine that in detail when you are feeling down or bad. 

Find something easy to do.

My easy thing I do while in a flare is color or do a sticker by number page. This is extremely easy and relatively mindless. Especially with that medicine that made my mind foggy, the sticker by number was the best thing for me to do that I could handle and kept me busy. 

Remember that it won't last forever. Things will get better.

Some days are worse than others. But, if you have UC and are in a flare, you can rest assured that the flare will not last forever. As awful as it is in the moment, remind yourself that you will get better with time. Focus on the positive. 

Listen to music.

This has helped me a lot when I couldn't focus enough to even do my sticker by number book. Put on a playlist of your favorite music, lay down, and focus on the music. It's very relaxing and healing. Music can do wonders.

If you have any other ways that you stay positive during rough times, comment below! Also feel free to comment where your peaceful place is.


  1. Have you ever tried lemon water? It's acidic on the outside, but turns alkaline inside your body. This has helped me many times with stomach problems. Might help with colon problems too. I guess my happy place is in my mind. It's different places at different times.


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