Food Allergy/ Intolerance Test


Recently, I decided to get tested to see if I had any allergies or intolerance to any sort of food or drink so I could know what to avoid so I could prevent future flares. About a week ago I got my blood drawn to test and see if I was allergic to the top 12 most common foods people are allergic to which are:

  • milk and dairy products
  • soy
  • shellfish (shrimp, crab, lobster)
  • mustard
  • eggs
  • peanuts
  • fish
  • wheat
  • tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews)
  • sesame
  • fruits
  • veggies
My results came back negative. I am not allergic or sensitive to any of these. So, I bought a different test called Simply Sensitivity. The one I bought tests for up to 900 different allergies and sensitivities. Yep. 900. I thought that was pretty crazy. This test is done by mailing your hair to a lab and getting your results emailed back to you. This is a good test for anyone to take just so you can have a healthier lifestyle and know what foods to avoid. The test I bought was around $80. But there are cheaper versions of this that you can buy that test for a lot of different things. 

This test can only be bought online. I got my test on Amazon. If you are interested in this test here are a couple of links that you can check out: 

How To Test | Simply Sensitivity Checks - US

Food Sensitivity Tests For The USA | Simply Sensitivity Checks USA– Simply Sensitivity Checks - US

I am still waiting on my results but will update when I get them!


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