
Showing posts from September, 2024

Delving into My UC Disease and What I'm Doing Now

  "She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future." Proverbs 31:25 In case you couldn't read what was on the cover of my notebook there in the picture, that's what it says. It's a great reminder to not fear the future and to trust in God's plan. This notebook was a gift that my mother-in-law gave me, and it is now my health notebook where I write all of my findings and research on my condition.  Recently I had gotten off of those antibiotics that was for my UTI. About three days later, the infection came back along with a yeast infection. So, for the past week I have been fighting a UTI and a yeast infection simultaneously and had to get back onto antibiotics. It is very frustrating to say the least. Today is my last day on the antibiotic treatment and, miraculously, I have not yet gotten a flare from two antibiotic treatments back-to-back.  I have still been doing my best to avoid things I am sensitive to, such as dairy, vege...

Food Sensitivities and Allergies

  A little less than a week ago, I got my results back from the Simply Sensitivity test that I did. My results were surprising and insightful. The biggest things that I learned is that I am slightly allergic to all forms of dairy, I am allergic to vegetable oil and peanut oil, sodium, peanuts, and apples. Vegetable oil was not surprising because any time I have even a little bit of that it makes me feel sick. However, dairy and apples were most surprising. I have never noticed either of these bothering me all that much.  My next step that I plan on taking is avoiding all of the foods that my results said I am either sensitive or allergic to. Hopefully, this will result in me feeling better in general and help in preventing future flares. If you would like to try the same food sensitivity test that I took, take a look at the link here to check it out:  Food Sensitivity Tests For The USA | Simply Sensitivity Checks USA– Simply Sensitivity Checks - US

My Antibiotic Story: Living With a Weak Immune System

 As I have mentioned in a previous post, I take biologics which weaken my immune system. I have recently realized just how careful I need to be when dealing with a weak immune system. Recently, I have gotten two infections back-to-back that lasted much longer than it should have. One of which got so bad I had to go an emergency clinic.  My most recent infection that I got was a urinary tract infection (UTI). This was the one I had to go to the emergency clinic for. When I went to the clinic, they diagnosed me as having a UTI and sent me home with antibiotics. Now, when you have ulcerative colitis, you are supposed to avoid antibiotics if at all possible. I had been dealing with the symptoms of a UTI for about two weeks before this trying to treat it on my own because I knew I would be prescribed antibiotics. When I realized I was not getting any better, I gave in and took the antibiotics.  Antibiotics can cause UC flares and are usually very hard on your gut. Everything I...